#ProtectYourPalms in the cold.

We are going to start a revolution with #ProtectYourPalm. Make sure you are following us on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube as we have some video tips on the platforms. Here are 5 tips for protecting palm trees in Atlanta, Georgia from cold weather:

* Deep Watering: Before a cold snap, thoroughly water the soil around the base of the palm tree. This helps insulate the roots and provides some moisture for the tree to use during the cold period.

* Mulching: Apply a thick layer of organic mulch (like pine needles or wood chips) around the base of the palm tree. This helps to insulate the roots and maintain a more stable soil temperature.

* Trunk Protection: For younger or more sensitive palms, consider wrapping the lower trunk with burlap or a frost blanket. This provides some insulation and protection from wind chill.

* Light Protection: In extreme cases, stringing low-voltage Christmas lights around the palm tree can provide a small amount of radiant heat.

* Plant Selection: Choose cold-hardy palm species that are better suited to Atlanta's climate. Some options include the Sabal Palmetto and the Needle Palm.

Important Notes:

* Atlanta's winters can vary significantly. Some years may have no significant freezes, while others can have several.

* The level of protection needed will depend on the specific palm species and the severity of the cold snap.

* Consult with a local arborist or a knowledgeable nursery for specific advice on protecting your palm trees.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Getting your palms ready for winter.